Extra 11 won his first PSG at Solihull with 67.76. “There is tons of improvement to come but this is a great starting point at this level, and a huge milestone in his career,” said a seriously delighted Victoria.
Victoria took over the ride from owner Suzy Dawe just over two years ago and has brought the talented 10yo Dutch warmblood carefully through Mediums and Advanced Mediums, to two classy wins at Advanced Premier League competitions at Sheepgate in June. The perfect preparation for his winning debut at PSG level last month at Solihull.

Victoria's decision to up the level was spot on. “He was a bit green in the canter work but there is suddenly a lot more to do in a PSG and it was his first, so I had to take his hand and lead him through it all, but he tried really hard and kept on following me. There is still plenty of work to do, but I am sure he will take it in his stride.”
Victoria’s plan is to compete him in the PSG at Bury Farm High Profile in August. “I was delighted with his debut performance!” said proud owner Suzy Dawe. “He shows great promise, and as he gains confidence and strength in his training and arena experience at this level I am sure the marks will continue to improve.”
At home Victoria is busy providing particular support for Richard’s top eventer Alfies Clover whose next outing is the Land Rover 5* Burghley Horse Trials 5-8 September where Richard is aiming to get in the top three having finished 7th last year.
Dressage is a key to success in high-level eventing and Victoria's help is already having an effect. Watch her and Alfies Clover enjoying a line of three time changes!
About Team Jones Team Jones is based at Lowlands Farm in Rutland. Richard Jones is emerging as a top international eventer – in the top ten at Burghley and at Blenheim in 2018 – and his wife Victoria is going from strength to strength, building her international dressage career. The team has just finished a cross-country training field to add to their facilities so that training can go on for youngsters and established eventers alike.
The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) has selected Rutland event rider Richard Jones as one of five event riders for the UK Sport World Class Podium Potential squad for 2019-2021. Team Jones is sponsored by leading horse feeds manufacturers Dodson and Horrell, sports photographers Julie Priestly, artist and photographer Deanne Ward, and IBA International media relations consultancy.
Find out about what’s happening at www.teamjonesequestrian.com, follow them on Twitter and Facebook, and check out the Instagram account.